Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hair or no hair

Erika will be losing her hair in about two weeks. She wants to know if she should keep her hair until a bunch falls off or should she just shave it off now?


  1. Not that I have any experience, but I would think it world be empowering to make that choice and not wait until it starts falling out. Then it is Erika's choice. Should I start looking for cute, warm and fun hats? We love you both and are praying!!!

    1. Oh, it's Jill of Kim and Jill :)

    2. Certainly this is Erika's choice. Her hair is SOO beautiful chemo will change the texture and consistency of her hair. If she cut it she could keep it as a memorabilia or she could donate it to Locs of Love. You are beautiful either way !! :)

    3. I love this idea!

  2. you could have her cut it off and make a wig from her own hair :)

  3. Go shop for some cute wigs sugar! You're a beautiful girl. Don't sweat the hair. Go kick some ass!

  4. I agree with Haily too:-)

  5. it was Nichole H. who suggested it first so I thought it was a coolio idea. She has beautiful hair!

    1. errr i mean kacey hadley not nichole ha

  6. I think you should look for some cute wigs, who knows maybe you'll like something totally different. :-)

  7. Just shave it! Its only hair and it will grow back!! Rock the head baby! :)

  8. I say shave it, girl! I think would actually be nice for a while to have a shaved head. No straightening irons, hair spray, etc...very low maintenance. You can take a break from all that crap for a while!

  9. OK..so I was talking to my gf Marci and she told me that I should put up a pony tail up then braid that hair and tie off. Then at the top of the pony tail so I have that as a remembrance for me. Then just shave it all off from that point and wear cute scarf's around my head. :)I would donate it but this is my 2nd day of chemo now and you cannot donate once you start chemo..WELLLL I will keep you all posted!! Stay tuned! Thanks for all your great feedback!!

  10. Go Sinead O' Conner! And scrapbook the rest if it's not too freaky.
